$1m grossed in the App store

It was about last week, that we reviewed an app called Pixelmator and predicted that this is the missing app from OS X a must for all those that have Mac OS X and in fact even suggested that Apple should purchase this product and bundle it with their OS.

In about 20 days from the launch of the Mac App Store, there have been massive sales, and they have grossed in $1m +, now at $30 each that is 33,333 copies sold or if you take away the Apple cut from the cost, that is about 43 to 45,000 copies sold.

YAY!! Congratulations Pixelmator team, way to go...

P.S. I guess our readers have picked up the copy from the App Store, if Any one is interested to get a free copy, we have one giveaway copy of Pixelmator.

"To win a copy of Pixelmator, rt this message and follow @whatsin4me"
