Announcing a new service - Reviews

If you are a consumer interested in the purchase of new Hardware, Software, app and want to know how good or not so good the product is, have a read at our blog. This is an independent opinion, not a paid advertisement as you could read on certain sites (Big names).

If you are an Indie Developer, I can understand the challenges you face and am happy to offer you a space for your app review, giveaways, etc. The idea is there are millions of apps and many developers do not get a chance to showcase their apps due to the *sites* that have made it big do not even entertain developers that do not have a certain amount of sales or pay up for their reviews. Here, you shall be reviewed for FREE but bear in mind that the review shall call an eye an eye, so be prepared for some criticism and feedback too.

If you are a Big name Company/Development house and would also like to have your product reviewed, get in touch with us and send us the product for review, we shall review the product. Please bear in mind that this is not a paid advertisement for anyone, so do not expect to purchase a favorable review. (Though, honestly that would be a good idea for our cash flow)

If you are a reader and want a particular product to be reviewed, send us an email and let us know what product you want reviewed and why and we shall attempt to procure that for review.
